What to do if you need to view Instagram profile information, but you're not registered there. Or your phone isn't nearby, and you don't want to enter your username and password into someone else's phone.
Login to Instagram without registration - instructions
What to do if you need to view your Instagram profile information, but you're not registered there. Or your phone isn't around, and you don't want to enter your username and password on someone else's smartphone. In this case, use one possible way to view Instagram profiles without authorization. In this article, we will tell you how to log in to Instagram without registration.
What restrictions are there and what you can't do
The main Instagram page both in the browser and in the official application shows only the authorization strings, you can't bypass them. The account information cannot be viewed, even if you log in to Instagram in the usual way. It is possible to view the content only after authorization through a browser from your phone or computer. However, go to any other page than the home page. For example, open the account of the desired user at once.
In this case, the social network will ask for login and password after 10 -15 seconds or 2 - 3 minutes. During this time you can view several publications, but you won't have time to scroll through the feed to the end - after Instagram offers to authorize several times, it will close access to any information completely. You can't open the text of the publications, only the covers are available for viewing.
For this reason, only the feed is available without authorization, without the ability to view the content of the publication. It is also impossible to see comments. Choosing how to view information without authorization depends on what you want to find.
Method 1: Viewing profile without logging in
If you want to log into Instagram without signing in, you probably need to view someone's account. This method works if you have found the user on Instagram, and you know the exact spelling of their nickname. Now insert the link - instagram.com - into your browser's search bar. Change the "user_nickname" field to the user's nickname, but without the "@". Then click on the link, and the account of the desired person will open.
The correct spelling of the nickname is important. If you miss a single character or replace it with another character, Instagram will give you an error. In this case, check the spelling of the nickname. To find a user profile whose exact nickname you don't remember, type in search:
• the user's nickname as you remember it;
• The person's first and last name;
• or the user's phone number.
At the very end of the search query, type "site:instagram.com" so that the account is searched only on Instagram. Yandex, Google will show all the pages with the information you requested. Now open the pages one by one, one of them will have the desired account.
Method 2: search for content by hashtag or keyword
It's easier to find information on Instagram without entering a username and password - through the search bar. To do this, open any page of the social network other than the main page, for example, it could be the SMMplanner page. Then in the search bar, type in the necessary hashtag or phrase.
This way you won't be able to find the user - when you try to go to the suggested account, Instagram will open a form for entering your username and password. Through the hashtag you can view the publications only in the general feed. In this case, you will not be able to open them, read the text of the post or view comments.
Using the same method, search for information by tags with a link like:
instagram.com/explore/tags/book/. Put the word you want in the "book" field. You can type the tag and keywords in the search in any language - Instagram recognizes it.
Method 3: Viewing stories without logging in
Instagram denies access to the posts and stories of registered users for those who are not authorized, but there are ways to bypass the ban. To do this, there are services that help you view stories without registration. The author of the stories won't know that you've seen his post, because the service makes viewing anonymous.
The list of such special services is constantly updated. There is such a free online service InstaStories, works on any device. In it, you will be able to add an "@" sign to your nickname, or provide a link to the user's page. The service will give you the opportunity to see stories and publications for 24 hours. You won't be able to open them, you can only download them.
Story Saver For Instagram service will allow you to view and download stories. To do this, enter the nickname of the user and find his account as a result of a search query. Before installing the app, study recent reviews. It may be that the app is out of date and inactive.